Image Album: Artworks Inspired by the World Cup Fever

As the World Cup reaches its final, the excitement of sports fan over the world is getting more feverish. The frenzy even fuels up the creativity and inspiration for artists. Let’s take a look at some amazing works inspired by the World Cup while we are still waiting impatiently for the final results of it.

The final four teams are represented in the image of Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse|B/R Football

It’s an interesting work depicting all 32 nations in a Renaissance style painting|B/R Football

Peter Bram / Sandro Tagliavini

Patrick Graf / Mario Miles Wyler

Neil Stubbings / Rod Sanchez

Stevie Fiedler / Mao Yan

Alejandro Ortiz / Ariadna Sysoeva

This series of works put football players on the map|Michael Raisch

This series of works put football players on the map|Michael Raisch

This series of works put football players on the map|Michael Raisch

This series of works put football players on the map|Michael Raisch

This series of works put football players on the map|Michael Raisch

This series of works put football players on the map|Michael Raisch

This series of works put football players on the map|Michael Raisch

Classic scenes at the World Cup|Gundersons

Classic scenes at the World Cup|Gundersons

Classic scenes at the World Cup|Gundersons