Paper Garden in Concrete Jungle: Harbour City Presents "Birds & Flowers – the Art of Paper Sculptures"

Living in a concrete jungle like Hong Kong, one can hardly have the opportunity to appreciate nature's beauty. Wouldn't it be nice to immerse yourself in a paradise where butterflies flapping their wings, birds humming in harmony and flowers blossoming with fresh scent in the air? Here comes a substitute for your escape from the crowded city as LCX Harbour City presents an exhibition with alluring birds and flowers, which are paper sculptures that almost indistinguishable from the real ones.

Asian Garden

“Birds & Flowers – the Art of Paper Sculptures Exhibition” is divided into four parts, showcasing 30 types of rare birds in total, while 14 in paper sculptures, 18 in photographs created by Colombian paper artist Diana Beltran Herrera. Since the exhibition is held during the Chinese Year, Herrera especially created the “Asian Garden”, a 60 x 60 x 100 cm paper sculpture set consists of a pair of mandarin ducks, peonies, peach blossoms as well as lotus leaves.

Each mandarin duck is about 30 cm long. The male duck is extremely vibrant while the female one is lovably gentle and pleasant. To vividly reproduce the life-like features of the two ducks, the artist used more than 4,000 paper feathers.

The artist used more than 25 different colors to reproduce the stunning feathers of the male duck, with some of them are even painted by hand. Although the female mandarin duck is mainly grayish, it also took Herrera three weeks to make it fascinatingly layered.

Colombian paper artist Diana Herrera

It is the first solo exhibition in Hong Kong for Diana Beltran Herrera, who is selected as one of the top 54 most inventive artists in the book Creative Extremes in 2017.

Selected highlights

Long-tailed Parakeet

Sparkling Violetear




Birds & Flowers – the Art of Paper Sculptures Exhibition

Period: 2018/1/25 - 3/2
Time: 10am - 10pm
Venue: LCX, Level 3, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui
Admission: Free