In the past, handbag sales held by auction auctions were usually led by luxury fashion brand like Hermes. Yet, an emerging force has been swept the salesroom in recent years as the boundaries between streetwear and high fashion are getting blur. Supreme, started as an American skateboard shop and clothing brand, has become a synonym to for trendy, stylish collectibles that collectors and fashion lovers would like to get their hands on. One recent example is Christie’s Handbag online sale Handbags X HYPE, in which a US$125,000 Supreme x LV trunk snatched the top spot abreast of Hermès Crocodile Birkin 30.
Supreme x LV Red & White Monogram Malle Courrier 90 Trunk
Supreme x LV Red & White Monogram Malle Courrier 90 Trunk
The collaboration between Supreme and LV has caused a huge sensation in the fashion world. One of the most coveted pieces is no doubt the 2017 Louis Vuitton x Supreme Malle Courrier Trunk Monogram 90 in red, adorned with both LV and Supreme branding. The official price was reported to be US$68,500 at the time it was launched but the limited edition was not something ordinary people can get a hold of since they were mostly reserved for VIP members or celebrities. The trunk fetched US$125,000 at the present online sale at Christie's.
Another top lot of the sale was a Hermès Matte White Himalaya Niloticus Crocodile Birkin 30 with Palladium Hardware, which was also sold for US$125,000. In addition to the Supreme x LV trunk, the online sale featured other trendy collectibles including a Supreme x Stern Pinball Machine, a Supreme x Fender Stratocaster Guitar, a Rimowa x Off White Transparent Cabin Suitcase, as well as skateboards of Supreme’s collaboration with popular artists like KAWS, Damien Hirst, George Condon and Mr. etc.
Hermès Matte White Himalaya Niloticus Crocodile Birkin 30 with Palladium Hardware
Supreme x LV laptop case
Supreme x KAWS Skateboard
Items of Supreme x LV collaboration ranging from clothing, handbags, laptop cases to skateboards were offered at the sale and most of them were sold for prices far exceeding the estimate. Here are some of the highlighted lots sold.
Highlights from the sale (sorted by price realised)
Supreme x LV|A Limited Edition Red & White Monogram Malle Courrier 90 Trunk. 2017
Lot no.: 295
Size: 90 x 51 x 48cm
Estimate: US$50,000 - 60,000
Price realised: US$125,000
Supreme x Stern|Pinball Machine
Lot no.: 274
Estimate: US$30,000 - 50,000
Price realised: US$32,500
A Set of Two Signed KAWS Chum Skateboards. 2001
Lot no.: 195
Estimate: US$7,000 - 9,000
Price realised: US$32,500
A Louis Vuitton X Supreme Red Classic Monogram Skateboard. 2017
Lot no.: 252
Estimate: US$5,000 - 7,000
Price realised: US$30,000
Supreme x Everlast|Boxing Group
Lot no.: 275
Estimate: US$10,000 - 15,000
Price realised: US$17,500
Supreme x Damien Hirst|A Set of Five Skateboards. 2009
Lot no.: 219
Estimate: US$4,000 - 6,000
Price realised: US$15,000
Supreme|A Set of Five Last Supper Series Skateboards. 2002
Lot no.: 197
Estimate: US$10,000 - 15,000
Price realised: US$13,750
Supreme x Fender|A White Fender Stratocaster Guitar
Lot no.: 279
Estimate: US$3,000 - 5,000
Price realised: US$9,375
Supreme x LV|An Apparel Group
Lot no.: 283
Estimate: US$2,000 - 3,000
Price realised: US$8,750
Supreme x LV|Black Epi Leather Keepall Bandouliere 55 & Red Epi Leather Laptop Case
Lot no.: 284
Estimate: US$3,000 - 5,000
Price realised: US$8,750
Supreme x George Condo|A Set of Three George Condo Lady, Man & Superman Skateboards. 2009
Lot no.: 222
Estimate: US$3,000 - 5,000
Price realised: US$8,120
Supreme x Coleman|A Coleman CT200U Mini Bike & a Fox Racing Red v2 Helmet
Lot no.: 277
Size: 62 x 107 x 159cm
Estimate: US$3,000 - 5,000
Price realised: US$7,500
Supreme x Mr.|A Set of Skateboards. 2007
Lot no.: 209
Estimate: US$1,500 - 2,600
Price realised: US$4,000
Rimowa x Off White|A Transparent Cabin Suitcase
Lot no.: 189
Size: 37 x 50 x 21cm
Estimate: US$700 - 900
Price realised: US$1,120
Supreme | A Group of Magazines with Complete Stickers
Lot no.: 288
Estimate: US$200 – 500
Price realised: US$750
Supreme | A Group of Ashtrays
Lot no.: 290
Estimate: US$500 – 700
Price realised: US$625
Auction summary
Auction house: Christie’s New York
Online sale: Handbags & HYPE
Online bidding: 26 November – 10 December 2019
Sale total: US$2,164,875